Multiphasic hydrogels for high-throughput screening compatible human in vitro tissue and disease models

To improve the efficacy of developing and testing new drugs, assessing chemical toxicity and personalizing therapies, three-dimensional (3D) human in vitro tissue and disease models that are compatible with high-throughput screening (HTS) devices and faithfully replicate the properties of natural tissues are urgently needed. In academic research, a lot of effort has been made over the last years to develop and improve 3D hydrogel systems working as hydrogel matrices, in which cells can be embedded and matured towards functional tissue. To enable the transfer of these systems towards industrial applications, the µTISSUEfab Leibniz Transfer Project aims at combining and upscaling suitable building blocks for 3D hydrogel systems and developing fully automated workflows for a tissue model production with robotic systems. The project is conducted as a collaboration of three different Leibniz Institutes (DWI in Aachen, INM in Saarbrücken, IPF in Dresden).

PhD student

Anna Meyer, M.Sc.

+49 241 80-23171
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Dr.-Ing Abdolrahman Omidinia Anarkoli

+49 241 80-23183
B 3.56
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