The DWI scientists are particularly committed to ensuring that their research has an impact on society and offers people tangible added value. In this context, the DWI - Leibniz Institute combines basic research with pre-competitive, application-oriented research.
As a member of the Leibniz Association, the DWI combines basic research with application-oriented research. The aim of the DWI is to ensure that promising research results are further developed for the benefit of society and can find their way out of the institute and into application. With a view to tomorrow's patient care in medicine, the DWI is therefore setting up the Joint Lab fiT together with the Faculty of Medicine at RWTH Aachen University.
Based on the position paper "Leibniz Transfer" published by the Leibniz Association in August 2019, the DWI is pursuing a multi-pronged transfer strategy that includes both knowledge transfer and technology transfer measures.
In general, the DWI understands transfer as the exchange between science and the non-academic world. This can take the form of knowledge transfer (including various event and exchange formats) as well as technology transfer (e.g. property rights strategies for DWI technologies and spin-offs).
Transfer thus encompasses all activities that convey knowledge, skills and resources generated through research. In this way, we aim to significantly strengthen the exchange between science and society as well as science and industry.