Dr. Elisabeth Heine
Dr. rer. nat. Elisabeth Heine is a biologist with a focus on microbiology. She is the head of DWI microbiology lab of safety level 2 (according to BioStoffV and IfSG). Her research is focused on antimicrobial functionalization of surfaces to reduce the spread of (multi-)resistant bacteria and to contribute to the reduction of sepsis pathogens. She is very experienced in the application and evaluation of bioactives and provides her expertise in establishing alternative antimicrobial approaches like e.g. “Probiotic Bacteria for a Healthy Skin” (with Prof Lütticken; LINK ProbioPads) and bio-coatings for textiles (with Dr. Felix Jakob; LINK BioCoat).
In addition to her research activities, she has been the DWI's Equal Opportunity Officer since 2012 (re-elected twice).