Bio flame retardant

Bio-based flame retardant finish for cardboard and textiles based on polyphenol-polyphosphazenes (22206 N)

The goal of the cross-industry research project is the development and provision of a bio-based, highly efficient, toxicologically harmless and economically favorable flame retardant. On the basis of phosphazene-polyphenol-based cyclomatrix polymers, formulations are produced for permanent, washable and abrasion-resistant flame retardant finishes for both natural and synthetic fiber materials such as cardboard and textiles. The basic building block is hexachlorocyclophosphazene, which is reacted with reactive bio-based bisphenols or polyphenols to form colloidal particles. The oleochemistry-based toxic bisphenol A building blocks already used in a laboratory solution should be replaced by bio-based bisphenol derivatives (source: lignin) or natural polyphenols available on the market such as rasveratrol, quercetin, or tannic acid (sources: grape skins, hop waste or apple waste). be replaced. With the development of a sustainable and environmentally friendly flame retardant finish, German SMEs in the textile and paper sectors are to be given a unique selling proposition with which they can stand out from the competition. At the same time, the cost structure of the companies is improved, since the FSM shows high efficiency and effectiveness. This greater financial leeway also leads to the creation of new jobs.

Project Management: German Federation of Industrial Research Associations (AiF)

Funding reference number: 22206 N

PhD student

Laura Hetjens, M.Sc.

+49 241 80-23161
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Member of the Scientific Board

Prof. Dr. Andrij Pich

+49 241 80-23310
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