Cell and drug-loaded microgels

Cell and drug-loaded microgels via microfluidics as building blocks for tissue regenerative materials

Microfluidics is a powerful technique to produce monodisperse microgels. Drugs are loaded in microgel capsules with a unique porous structure to offer controlled release, mediated by external stimuli. Cell-loaded microgels are used to deliver functional cells to injured sites, where microgels have biochemical properties tuned to match those of extracellular matrix components. These microgels can be injected in the body via minimal invasion techniques.

DFG, SFB 985 Functional Microgels and Microgel System” (Projects C3 and B5); EU Horizon 2020 “Marie-Sklodowska Cure BIOGEL” project No 642687

Member of the Scientific Board

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Laura De Laporte

+49 241 80-23309
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Member of the Scientific Board

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Wessling

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