The Bio4Clean project deals with the production of sustainable functional polymers for use in detergents and cleaning agents. Polymers are made up of individual monomers. Currently, established fossil raw materials serve as the predominant raw material resource for these monomers, which are neither sustainable nor future-oriented. In this project, the potential of renewable raw materials and/or plastic recycling streams will be investigated as sustainable resources for monomers and the functional polymers obtained from them. This project is part of the Bio4MatPro "Competence Centre for the Biological Transformation of Material Sciences and Production Technology" and is one of two flagship projects funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, BMBF, as part of the Bioeconomy Model Region Initiative in the Rhenish district. In the Bio4Clean project, scientists from DWI (AK Pich) and RWTH (AK Palkovits) are working together with an industrial partner on the synthesis and optimisation of functional polymers.
Projektträger: (BMBF) Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung - BMBF
Förderkennzeichen: Bio4MatPro BL1 – 3