Tatiana Segura is DWI Fellow 2023

In order to exchange ideas with outstanding scientists, further expand its scientific expertise and promote a strong international network in materials science, the DWI has been offering an annual temporary position as a DWI Fellow since 2023.

We are therefore delighted that researcher Tatiana Segura has been named DWI Fellow of the Year 2023.

The Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Neurology and Dermatology teaches and conducts research at Duke University (USA) and will soon be visiting the Leibniz Institute in Aachen with a group of doctoral students. The focus of the visit will be on scientific discussions aimed at broadening horizons and laying the foundations for joint collaboration.  

Background to the program

DWI Fellows are appointed for a period of one year by the Scientific Director of the Institute on the recommendation of the Scientific Board or the Scientific Advisory Board. DWI Fellows are not only world-leading scientists in a specific field and have a large network in the community, but also possess scientific expertise that complements the Institute's research interests.