Tumor-Targeted Drug Delivery

DFG Research Training Group 2375

In October 2018, the DFG Research Training Group Tumor-Targeted Drug Delivery started. Speaker of the research training group is Professor Kiessling and Professor Lammers. A total of 6 PhD students of the Research Training Group are supervised by ExMI staff members (Kiessling, Lammers, Lederle, Metselaar).

The overall goal of our Research Training Group (RTG), entitled "Tumor-Targeted Drug Delivery" (acronym 2(TD)), is to address current challenges in the field of cancer DDS development and to explore therapeutic and theranostic scenarios that lead to improved patient outcomes and have a clear perspective for clinical translation. While the majority of drug delivery research consortia in Germany and Europe focus primarily on novel materials for nanomedicine, 2(TD) will focus on medical needs and clinical applications and aim to systematically identify and overcome pitfalls in the translation of tumor-targeted drug delivery concepts. To this end, the 2(TD) consortium will generate knowledge and foster collaboration at the intersection of the key areas of tumor biology, chemical engineering, and clinical medicine.

The consortium has a strong interdisciplinary focus. It consists of medical scientists with diverse backgrounds (oncology, hematology, pathology, radiology, and nuclear medicine), recognized researchers in tumor biology, chemical and pharmaceutical engineers with a proven track record in nanomaterials and biomaterials, and PIs and AIs with experience in industrial drug development, manufacturing, and translation into early clinical trials.

To ensure the integration of our GRK into an international research environment at the highest level, we will work closely with leading US scientists (US AIs). These will complement the expertise available in Aachen and allow our PhD students to conduct part of their research abroad and learn about other research cultures. In addition, the PhD students who are part of GRK 2(TD) will have the opportunity to perform a rotation in industry. The associated academic and industrial partners will also enrich the training program of 2(TD).

Further information about the projects and the graduate program can be found here.